

9:00 am
      online Morning Prayer

10:00 am   in person service Holy Eucharist




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    online Monday – Friday Prayer Service





noon  online Wednesday Bible Study (for more details inquire at

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February 23, 2025  — 4th  Sunday of Black History Month

Anthem   Lift Every Voice and Sing.   AA-540

Procession Hymn   Great is Thy Faithfulness    AA-158
Opening Prayer
Opening Meditation  
From “Black Liturgies” by Cole Arthur Riley
Inhale   We honor this breath
Exhale   We behold the beauty.
Inhale    I deserve more.
Exhale    I claim more.
Inhale    This flesh is sacred.
Exhale    I contain the divine.g
Collect  Lectionary Insert
Hebrew Scriptures    Genesis   (47:13-25)
Canticle   Psalm 107:1-43
New Testament  Acts  (5:1-11)
Gospel Hymn  Standing on the Promises of God     AA-373
Gospel  Luke (8:1-15)
Sermon by The Reverend Petr Jarrett-Schell
Nicene Creed  BCP pg. 358
Calvary’s Mission Statement  (composed by Yvonne Lee)
We, the members of Calvary Episcopal Church, believe in taking the journey of God’s love and service to those who know Christ, and those who seek Christ.
Prayers of the People Lectionary Insert
Confession     From “Black Liturgies” By Cole Arthur Riley
Creator God, We confess every attempt to steal and grant dignity, as if it’s some-thing we have dominion over. We have lost ourselves in a world of anti-Blackness, transphobia, homophobia, ableism, and misogyny. We have amplified the cool and confident and alienated those who feel strange or awkward. In demeaning others, we mistakenly believe that our own self-worth make by magnified, but in doing so we only become less human. We have not become bigger but smaller. Not safer, but more afraid. Every effort to diminish the worth of another has only distanced us from the truth of our own dignity. Forgive us. And remind us of who we are, what we’re made of, that a collective image of God is dwelling in and through you. May we forgive ourselves and become faithful keepers of our cosmic birthright to beauty, justice and belonging. Amen.

Forgiveness From “Black Liturgies” By Cole Arthur Riley
Let your soul receive this rest: The God who became seamstress, the God who knelt in the garden to make clothes for Eve and Adam. covers you now. As the divine meets your shame with tenderness, you are freed to stand before the earth, neighbor, your God, and yourself. Amen.
The flowers on the altar are given to the glory of God and in loving memory Margaret E. Livingston whose birthday would have been February 22nd by her son Michael Livingston and daughter Averi Gray and their families.
Offertory Hymn    Tis’ So Sweet to Trust In Jesus   AA-368
If would like to make your offering electronically, you can do so at:
Doxology  Praise God, From Whom All Blessing Flow   AA-650
The Eucharist   Our eucharist prayer was composed by the Rev. Amanda Barbee and Rev. Dr. Kelle Brown
The Lord be with you
And also with you
Lift up your hearts
We lift them to the Lord
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God
It is right to give God thanks and praise
It is truly right and our greatest joy to give you thanks, God of majesty and mercy. For you have called forth the creation and raising us from dust by your breath . We bless you for the beauty and bounty by which each of us was wonderfully made in your image. We thank you God for the gift of the people of Zimbabwe, Mali, Ghana, Uganda, Congo, Kenya, Libya, Senegal, Nigeria, Togo, Zambia, Haiti, these United States and all the many other places not mentioned but acknowledged for your astounding creation.
It is in our rejoicing that we give thanks for your creation of these, your Black children for their contributions to our being; inventors, physicians, teachers, scholars, laborers, artists, poets, politicians, activists, family and community members, all your children of ebony grace who made the world we know. Above all, we give thanks for the gift of Jesus, your son and our Savior. Because we are thankful we join our voices together with angels and saints in that eternal hymn:

Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

Christ was born fully human and fully divine. He shares in our joys and sorrows. He shared in the joy of our resilience despite the deathly terror of the African enslavement, and shared in the sorrow that his gospel didn’t compel transformation and quick abolition. He shared in the joy of the Emancipation Proclamation but equally shared in the sorrow of a people who have worked so hard to override, overturn, and recreate that which it was designed to eradicate. Yet and still he offered his life in obedience and trust in God.
On the night that he was wrongfully incarcerated, Jesus took bread, and after giving thanks to God, he broke it into pieces without the suggestion of privilege or supremacy. He gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat. This is my body, given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.
In the same way, Jesus lifted the cup to those in need of liberation and empowerment, saying,
“This cup is the new covenant, shed for you for the forgiveness of sins. Whenever you drink it, do this in remembrance of me.”
Therefore, in remembrance of him, we proclaim this mystery of faith

Christ has died
Christ has risen
Christ is come again

We bless you, O God, for the presence and the power of the Holy Spirit. That Holy Spirit leads us into truth, fights for justice and equality, continues to gather us as believers even in the face of adversity, and moves us to be empowered by your love. It is the movement of the Holy Spirit that allows us to trust in the life, death, and resurrection which reconciles us to you. We pray O Lord, that as we take this bread and this wine as a gift from you that we may celebrate with joy and hope of the redemption won for us in Jesus Christ. Now pour out your spirit upon this bread and wine to make them for us, the body and blood of your son Jesus Christ. All this we ask through your Son, Jesus Christ: By him, and with him, and in him, in the unity of the Ho-ly Spirit all honor and glory is yours, Almighty Father, now and forever. AMEN.

Let us pray those words he taught us to pray.
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power, and the glory, forever and ever.  Amen.

Fraction Anthem These are the gifts of God for you, God’s people. Every time you eat this bread of equity and drink this cup that pours freedom, you proclaim with your life the saving death of the risen God until he comes again.
Communion Hymn    Sweet Hour of Prayer    AA-442
Post-Communion Prayer    BCP p.365
May the God who made all things and holds together all things remind you of your making. May you rest in the immanence of your own worth, knowing you have nothing to prove and everything to love. Constant as the moon, which is tethered to us by unseen forces, which is suspended above us in the dark and the light, let our dignity remain, be it visible or invisible to those below. And may we remember the same dignity that holds us, so too holds together every person and piece of the cosmos at once and evermore. Go, in honor, to claim all that you are worthy of. May it be so. Amen. From “Black Liturgies” by Cole Arthur Riley
Final Hymn   Walk Together Children   AA-647
We are blessed to have Mr. Devlin Leigh lead worship music service today.


February 23, 2025 

Today’s scriptural translations are by drawn from “A Women’s Lectionary for the Whole Church” By Dr. Wil Gafney,


Hebrew Scriptures Genesis 47:13-25)
The Word of the Lord
Thanks be to God

Psalm (107:1-43)
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and will be forever. Amen.

A Reading from the New Testament  Acts (5:1-11)
The Word of the Lord
Thanks be to God

The Holy Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ According to Luke (8:1-15)
Glory to you Lord Christ
The Gospel of the Lord
Praise to you Lord Christ

Prayers of the People TBD

ANNOUNCEMENTS  —  February 23, 2025 

Pastor Peter would like to thank the wardens, Michael Livingston and Kevin Davis for leading the business of this Church this last month, Rev. Gayle Fisher-Stewart and Antonio Baxter for preaching and leading worship, and Dianne Slaughter, Gwen Turner, and Averi Gray for leading the sabbatical initiative.

Mark your calendars for Calvary’s mini-retreat, Sat. March 1st, 11:30pm-3pm. The Rev. Robert Phillips will facilitate. Details forthcoming.

We invite you to join us for our observance of Ash Wednesday, on Wednesday, March 3rd at Noon and 6pm, as we begin lent together.

We’re asking Calvary Members to report a section of broken sidewalk at 820 6th St NE to the district government for repair. This section of sidewalk has caused tripping and injuries. You can call (202) 737-4404, or go online to and enter 820 6th St NE to make a repair request. Thank you.

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