Head Pastor Reverend Peter Jarrett-Schell
Reverend Peter Jarrett-Schell

Our Pastor, Rev. Peter Jarrett-Schell was born and raised in San Francisco, California, to the Rev. Donald Schell, an Episcopal Priest, and Dr. Ellen Schell, a nurse. He is the third of four children. After attending college on the east coast, he moved to El Salvador, where he served as a lay minister for the Episcopal Diocese of El Salvador. Upon his return, he began his studies in Seminary, where he met his wife, the Rev. Rondesia Jarrett-Schell. After their graduation, they were married, and moved to the Tidewater area of Virginia where Peter worked for a year as a pipe-fitter in the Newport News Shipyard, while his wife worked in adoptions assistance for Lutheran Family Services. Peter was ordained to the Priesthood in 2006 and accepted his first call at the Episcopal Church of Our Saviour, Silver Spring. While there, he developed and grew the congregations Latino and youth ministry. Working with the Industrial Areas Foundation, he lobbied the Maryland Legislature to pass that state’s own version of the Dream Act. In 2012 he accepted a call to serve as Calvary’s fifth rector. One year later his first son, Joshua Ibrahim was born. Apart from parenting and marriage, his ministry at Calvary has been the greatest challenge and blessing of his life thus far.


The Wardens and Vestry are lay members of the congregation elected to oversee and administer the business of the Church. They are charged with ensuring that the many resources of our congregation are effectively and appropriately used for Calvary’s mission of spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ.

2022 Vestry

Vestry Chair
Reverend Peter Jarrett-Schell, Rector

Senior Warden/Legal ’26
C. Michael Livingston

Junior Warden/Buildings & Grounds ’25
Ken Davis

Christian Eduction ’25
Phyllis Bolden

Evangelism Committee ’25
Monai Lowe

Stewadship ’25
Edward Gatewood

Finance Committee ’26
Michael Sherman

Personel, ’25
Walter Swindell

Communications Committee ’26
Gwendolyn Turner

Pastoral Care Committee ’27
DeVonde Wiggins

Worship and Music, ’25
Phyllis Harris

Calvary Episcopal Church
509 I St NE, Washington, DC, 20002 (202) 546-8011 www.calvarydc.net info@calvarydc.net